Friday, February 3, 2012

ELMER, the Patchwork Elephant

Elmer by David McKee and
Elmer Again by David McKee

OVERVIEW:   Elmer is a colorful patchwork elephant that creates excitement for the other, more traditional elephants, but he does not like being different.  After Elmer disguises his colors, he realizes that he cannot suppress his inner self and is honored for playing a wonderful trick on the elephants.  As a celebration, the elephants paint themselves colors to honor him.  In Elmer Again, Elmer becomes bored of his ‘Elmer Day’ costume of grey and wants to surprise his elephant friends again.  He solicits his friends help to pull off another great trick of gigantic proportions.

Reading:  Grade K
Content Standard: 1.0
The student will develop the reading and listening skills necessary for word recognition, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of print and non-print text.
Learning Expectations:
1.01 Develop oral language.
1.02 Develop listening skills.
1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.
1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and check for
understanding after reading.

English/Language Arts:  Grade K
Content Standard: 5.0  Logic
GLE 0001.5.1 Develop an understanding of sequential events.
GLE 0001.5.2 Recognize the relationship of actions and consequences.

Math:  Grade K
Content Standard: 3.0 Algebra

GLE 0006.3.1 Identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns.
GLE 0006.3.2 Recognize attributes (such as color, shape, size) and patterns (such as repeated pairs, bilateral symmetry).
GLE 0006.3.3 Describe qualitative change.
GLE 0006.3.4 Sort, order and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong in a
particular group.
GLE 0006.3.5 Describe change in attributes according to qualitative criteria such as longer/shorter, colder/warmer, heavier/lighter.

Content Standard: 4.0 Geometry & Measurement

GLE 0006.4.3 Compare and order measurable attributes of objects directly (by comparing them with each other) and indirectly (by comparing both with a third object).

    • Learners will be able to empathize with main characters
    • Learners will identify differences in characters in the story
    • Learners will predict story elements during the story
    • Learners will be able to retell the story (as group) using Storyboard
    • Learners will describe, compare and contrast elephant shapes using mathematical language
    • Learners will identify opposites in language patterns
    • Learners will match shapes to elephants or varying sizes
    • Learners will evaluate ability to retell the story
    • Learners will share predictions of story events in story continuation
    • Learners will explain the plot to the specialist and group
    • A copy of Elmer by David McKee
    • A copy of Elmer Again by David McKee
    • Velcro Board
    • A set of Elmer
    • Copies of blank Elmer coloring page with gridlines
    • Crayons
    • Table setting for coloring/creating time

SET:   We see lots of differences around us.  Some people look different and all of us may feel different at times.  While it can sometimes make us feel awkward or even sad, differences are what make us special and help us have fun with friends.  This is a story about an elephant that looks and feels different and is very special to his friends.

    • TSW discuss what it means to feel different to promote discussion and empathy
    • TLW listen and interact with story of Elmer by David McKee
    • TSW lead group retelling by placing pieces of storytelling kit on Velcro board
    • TLW identify and discuss opposites pattern in elephant shapes
    • TLW match color shapes to elephants
    • TLW predict and decipher events in sequel, Elmer Again by David McKee
    • TLW create own colorful version of elephant based on books’ illustrations

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